Bantargebang Landfill that has been a home to Jakartans' residual waste for many years now is in the verge of overcapacity.
Bantargebang Landfill that has been a home to Jakartans' residual waste for many years now is in the verge of overcapacity. Photo courtesy of Waste4Change/NOWJAKARTA

On 21 February 2005, after three days of heavy rain, about 2.04 million cubic meters of waste in Leuwigajah landfill, Bandung, started sliding down the valley and buried two villages, killing 147 inhabitants. The National Waste Awareness Day was set on that day to commemorate the fateful disaster. Fifteen years after the accident, let’s ask ourselves—have we been responsible for our waste?

Conventional waste management in Indonesia is a collect-transport-dispose method where your waste is collected, mixed, transported and then piled in the landfill. While this method has been going on for so long, the Leuwigajah incident should make us question what we have done: are we managing our waste correctly?

Indonesia manages 69% of its waste by landfilling. Without proper treatment, piled up landfill waste may explode, burn, or like the case of Leuwigajah, trigger a massive landslide. While the waste in your home might be gone, it is actually just moved to another place and pollute other neighbourhood. We need to set a new goal: waste is not waste until it is wasted! Let’s be responsible for our waste by making sure our waste is recovered according to its potential. Organic waste such as food leftovers and kitchen waste can be composted. Meanwhile, valuable inorganic waste such as plastic bottles, cardboard, glass bottles, aluminium cans, etc. can be sent to recycling actors to ensure it is recycled. Let’s cultivate a mindset that landfill is a last resort to treat waste that cannot be recovered, such as diapers, cigarette butts and dirt.

You can also send your inorganic waste to Waste4Change through Waste4Change's Send Your Waste service programme.

If you want to start improving your waste management, Waste4Change can help you! Waste4Change has the ‘Send Your Waste’ programme (, in which you can recover your waste by sending it to Waste4Change’s recycling partners located around you. Waste4Change receives recyclable waste such as plastic containers, glass bottles, aluminium cans, cardboard and many more—just head to the website to find the complete recyclable list and the locations of their partner! No more confusion looking for recyclables collection. Join Send Your Waste and ensure your recyclable waste are sent to the recycling factory according to its type.

Waste4Change provides Personal Waste Management Service to collect and recycle your inorganic waste straight from your home - available for South Jakarta dan Bekasi
Waste4Change provides Personal Waste Management Service to collect and recycle your inorganic waste straight from your home – available for South Jakarta dan Bekasi.

For those of you who live around South Jakarta and Bekasi City, you can also contact Waste4Change to pick up your inorganic waste. Waste4Change’s Personal Waste Management ( service offers to collect and manage inorganic waste by collecting your inorganic waste once a week and providing you with special segregated waste trash bags. Benefits that you will get from PWM:

  1. Better and more responsible inorganic waste management right from your house,
  2. Increasing number of recycled waste,
  3. Waste management education flyer on how to segregate your waste,
  4. Weekly waste management report (volume and insights of segregation) every week,
  5. Participation in reducing the volume of waste being transported to the landfill.

Waste4Change invites you to make a change in this year’s National Waste Awareness Day. Are you ready to take action?

SPECIAL PRICE for you who register before 31 March, 2020!
Normal price = IDR 2,100,000 per year (exclude PPn)
SPECIAL PRICE = IDR 1,800,000 per year (exclude PPn)

Send your inquiries to, don’t forget to include “NOW Jakarta February 2020 – PWM Discount” in the email subject.

NOW! Jakarta

NOW! Jakarta

The article is produced by editorial team of NOW!Jakarta