Salt is decidedly that one ingredient every cuisine in the word relies on to “elevate” a dish to a particular level or enhance its taste.

With increased focus on the preparation of food, it appears more cooks – both in the home and in the culinary industry – are paying close attention to this vital seasoning ingredient. From table salt and sea salt to the more intricate Himalayan salt, it appears this humble ingredient – which can often make or ruin a dish – is firmly in the spotlight.
Indonesia, with its vast coast line ironically imports much of its salt but in recent years, especially with the focus on local sourcing and production, salt from these shores are making waves in home -and restaurant- kitchens. Kaum Jakarta uses Amed sea salt. Farmers use split and aged coconut trunks in which to evaporate sea water, an all-natural method which adds to the purity of taste and avoids any trace of bitterness that usually occurs from using tarpaulin, Kaum Brand Director Lisa Virgiano tells us.
Amed sea salt is similar in quality to French Guérande salt as both varieties have obtained the international certificate of Geographical Indication, an accreditation that reflects the quality, origin and natural processing treatment of a product.
It requires several purification processes starting from filtering the fresh sea water using a conical shape filter (similar method like manual brewed coffee using V-60 technique). The inner side of conical shape filter is covered by nearby sand soil which has been humidified by the same sea water.
The aged coconut trunk then filled by the filtered sea water and gets evaporated by the sun for several days. Salt crystals then starts to form at the bottom of the aged coconut trunk. Yes, it is only marketed in specific market in Indonesia.
This article is originally from paper. Read NOW!Jakarta Magazine October 2018 issue“A Jakarta Smorgasbord”. Available at selected bookstore or SUBSCRIBE here.