Sambal, an Integral Part of the Indonesian Palate

Sambal, loosely translated to English is a chilli-based ‘relish’ is an integral part of the Indonesian palate. Home to more than 300 ethnic groups, or 1,340 tribes, Indonesia features a range of cuisine — including varieties of sambal. At least there are 322 types of sambal across Indonesia, 257 of them are used in various

At Taste New Zealand 2018, A Focus on Sustainability

“Taste New Zealand” returned this October with a focus on New Zealand’s innovations in food technology.   Photo courtesy of New Zealand Trade Enterprise/NOW!JAKARTA Organised by New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE), this year’s event discussed some of the country’s sustainable food practices. Held on 5 October at The Dharmawangsa Hotel, the event a range of New Zealand

On National Finance Day, Permata Bank Educates Millennials on Money

Millennials have disrupted traditional avenues of making money. With a changing financial scene, however, what financial options are open to them? Permata Bank hosted a forum to help the current generation understand money and finance. As part of National Finance Day on 30 October and National Saving Day on 31 October, Bank Permata, in support

Grab Hosts “GrabFood Nusarasa” to Celebrate Indonesia’s Culinary Diversity

Singapore-based technology company, Grab, has been making inroads in Indonesia with its ride-hailing and food delivery services. It is currently hosting a food festival “GrabFood Nusarasa” highlighting the many delights of Indonesian cuisine.   “GrabFood Nusarasa” festival continues until 19 December. Photo courtesy of GrabFood/NOW!JAKARTA Users can select from a special menu of dishes from

Arumdalu: An Urban Farm Honours the Past and Welcomes the Future

Arumdalu Farm in Tangerang offers breathtaking views in tranquil surroundings. Enjoy the sunflower garden as you dine on locally sourced, sustainably produced, plant-based meals, in a completely sustainable building. Arumdalu Farm showcases an urban farm concept including organic farming, prefabricated building, and a farm-to-table cafe. Photo by Raditya Fadilla and courtesy of Arumdalu Farm/NOW!JAKARTA In

In Rural Java, A New Social Movement Takes Shape

In the rush to develop the urban, are we forgetting our connection to the rural landscape? Can village revitalisation programmes hold the key to growth? Papringan Market in Temanggung, Central Java. Photo courtesy of Spedagi/NOW!JAKARTA For many who live in Indonesia’s villages, particulary the youth, the ultimate aim is move to a city, secure employment

“Artisan Market” at The Westin’s Seasonal Tastes

The Westin Jakarta’s latest promotion “Artisan Market” focuses on locally produced food. Specialty cheese, chocolate, gelato and other dishes will all be featured at its restaurant, Seasonal Tastes, until 1 December. Rosalie Cheese at Artisan Market, Westin Hotel Jakarta. Photo courtesy of Westin Jakarta/NOWJAKARTA In an age of mass-produced goods,  demand for artisanal products is

doctorSHARE: A Floating Hospital Provides Much Needed Care to Remote Areas

doctorSHARE travels to Indonesia’s remote eastern islands to provide medical services. It recently assisted communities affected by the natural disasters in Lombok and Palu. One of Papuan thanked to doctor who cured them from disease. doctorSHARE has been travelling across archipelago to help people get accessible healthcare. Photo courtesy of doctorSHARE/NOW!JAKARTA Dr. Lie Dharmawan, a

Heritage, Culture and History in Kotagede

Kotagede is an old city that has many treasures, including the tombs of the founding kings of the Mataram kingdom. Among Kotagede’s many riches is the Dalem Natan Royal Heritage building, a Javanese-style house. Kotagede was the capital of the Mataram kingdom, every inch of its land rich in history, extending from the Hindu Mataram

Determining the Perfect Cuppa

Tea is not as popular as coffee in Indonesia. This is quite unfortunate because even though tea has become a daily drink, there are still many people who don’t know how to brew it correctly much less choose a good quality brand. It’s International Tea Day on 15 December and NOW! Jakarta spoke to tea

#ARTOTELforHOPE Returns, Focuses on Rainforest Conservation

For the third consecutive year, ARTOTEL Project Series (APS) presented #ARTOTELforHOPE, the hotel’s annual social programme at each of the ARTOTEL Group’s properties, usually held at the end of the year. This year, the group collaborated with Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (Indonesian Nature Conservation Foundation) to raise awareness about conservation efforts of Kalimantan’s rainforests through

On 25th anniversary, Cafe Batavia Offers a New, Updated Menu

On 5 December 2018, Cafe Batavia celebrated its 25th Anniversary with the theme “The Memory of Old Town.” During the gala, the restaurant served dishes that paid homage to the cuisine of Nusantara, with foreign undertones. At its 25th Anniversay, the restaurant continues to focus on giving guests many different dining experiences. Photo courtesy of Cafe Batavia/NOW!JAKARTA

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