In collaboration with renowned chefs – namely Juna Rorimpandey, Bara Pattiradjawane, Edwin Lau, Vindy Lee, Oscar Wijaya, Yuda Bustara and Opick – Berrykitchen recently launched a special service, allowing the online caterer to offer its customers awider range of options with its new menu.

Chef Juna Rorimpandey presents a tasty culinary concept portioned for four persons. Juna’s specialty dishes for Berrykitchen are Gruye Mac and Cheese, Bebek Goreng Paniki, Togarashi Crusted Chicken and Cumi Petai Telur Asin. He also offers Nasi Kuribu Manado that can cater between 5 and 15 persons.

Chef Vindy Lee adds new colour to Berrykitchen with a healthy food concept for customers who want to maintain their body shape or are currently undergoing a diet program. She incorporates her own beauty secrets into the menu by using fresh and low-calorie ingredients.

Meanwhile Chef Edwin Lau, who joined Berrykitchen in March 2017, brings in a ketogenic (keto) diet menu, which is sold in packages containing 12 lunches, 12 dinners and 24 avocadrinks(drinks made from fresh avocado). The menu changes daily, and more than a hundred people follow the diet program.

Those who like food rich in spices should opt for Chef Bara Pattiradjawane’s menu. His experience in collaborating with many different chefs who specialize in cooking Indonesian food made him familiar with spices to create different cuisines.

Chef Yuda Bustara presents a concept which meets the demands of young people and millennials. His dishes, such as Ayam Geprek Mozarella, have quickly become a trend among young Jakartans. Masterchef Indonesia runner-up Chef Opik, on the other hand, introduces his mother’s recipes to create homemade food. Both Yuda Bustara’s and Chef Opik’s menus will be launched by the end of this year.

Sari Widiati

Sari Widiati

Sari has been an arts and culture enthusiast for many years. She has written extensively on the arts, travel, and social issues as Features Writer at NOW! Jakarta.