Malaysia Chambers Jakarta: Fostering Friendship, Connecting Business
According to records at the Malaysia Chambers Jakarta (MCJ), in August 1989 when Dato Abdullah Zamawi was appointed Ambassador of Malaysia to Indonesia, a meeting with Malaysian businessman, Ting Huong Sing led to a discussion on connecting businesspeople living in Jakarta. Malaysian Club in Jakarta promotes the interests of Malaysian business people as well as

Penthouse at The Sultan Hotel & Residence Jakarta Reopens
The Sultan Hotel & Residence recently re-opened its legendary Penthouse. Located on the top floor of the Hotels Garden Tower following extensive refurbishment, Penthouse at The Sultan Hotel & Residence is the largest in Jakarta. Photo courtesy of The Sultan Hotel & Residence /NOW!JAKARTA Located on the top floor of the Hotels Garden Tower following extensive refurbishment, it covers the entire

Watsons Indonesia Launches its Flagship Store at Senayan City Mall
PT Duta Intidaya Tbk recently launched Watsons Indonesia store at Senayan City Mall. Featuring a more modern and futuristic concept to cater to a wider market, this is Watson's 110th store in the country. Featuring a more modern and futuristic concept to cater to a wider market, this is Watson's 110th store in the country.

A Snapshot of BritCham’s Events: “The Power of Storytelling” – for your Brand and Business
On 26 March, BritCham’s Professional Women’s Group held a special event just for women entitled “The Power of Storytelling” – for your brand and business, by Idhran Seghar, CEO of Sunshine Digital Pte Ltd. Singapore. Idhran Seghar, CEO of Sunshine Digital Pte Ltd. Singapore is keynote speaker at BritCham’s Professional Women’s Group event. Photo courtesy of

A Conversation with Zamshari Shaharan, Chargé d’Affaires, Embassy of Malaysia
Malaysia and Indonesia have shared a connection for years. NOW! Jakarta spoke to the Chargé d’Affaires about this special relationship and the bilateral connections forged over the years. Zamshari Shaharan, Chargé d’Affaires, Embassy of Malaysia. Photo courtesy of Embassy of Malaysia/NOW!JAKARTA How are relations between Malaysia and Indonesia today? Malaysia and Indonesia share strong historical

Education. The Beginning and the End
It used to be thought that you learned everything at school. Building blocks and alphabet in kindergarten, English, Math, History and Geography in primary school, then into the languages, the differentiation, the coding at secondary, then unless you went to university, that was it. You were educated – for life. Then it became “mandatory” to

Jakarta Aquarium Conducts Education Programme at Thousand Islands on National Fisherman’s Day
Jakarta Aquarium conducted a marine educational programme for elementary and junior high school students at Tidung Island, Pulau Seribu (Thousand Islands) located just off Jakarta as a part of celebrating National Fisherman’s Day on 6 April. In collaboration with the Department of Education in Pulau Seribu, staff from Jakarta Aquarium demonstrated its sustainability program, and encouraged children to keep their environment clean. Photo courtesy of

Starbucks Partners Share their Knowledge on Entrepreneurship with Vocational Students Across Indonesia
In partnership with Prestasi Junior Indonesia, Starbucks Indonesia held a Creative Youth Entrepreneurship programme to empower vocational students in four cities across the country. It aimed to empower youth with life skills and entrepreneurship knowledge to prepare them for being part of the future workforce. Starbucks Indonesia held initial Creative Youth Entrepreneurship programme with vocational students at SMKN 57

Almost the Last Laugh
A few years ago I was hosting shows in Kuala Lumpur for British comedians Mike Best and Steve Gunn. After the last show we fought the temptation to party and went to bed early because we had a very early flight to Jakarta the next morning. Photo illustration by Eric Nopanen. Unsplash/NOW!JAKARTA Just before dawn

Holiday Inn & Suites Jakarta Gajah Mada Holds Grand Opening
Holiday Inn & Suites Jakarta Gajah Mada held its grand opening on 15 March. Holiday Inn & Suites Jakarta Gajah Mada grand opening was marked by pouring champagne at Duta Lounge. Photo courtesy of Holiday Inn & Suites Jakarta Gajah Mada/NOW!JAKARTA The event, the theme of which was “Celebration of Joy”, was organised by the hotel’s

The Story of Easter
It was dawn, a bleak, grey morning was appearing out of the eastern sky. It had been a dark night, despite the full moon of Passover. Dark in the sense that many temporal and divine rules had been broken. Temporal, when Jesus was tried before the High Priest in the hours of darkness, without real

The Second BRITCHAM Presidential Election Series: In Conversation with Muhammad Lutfi
The British Chamber of Commerce invited Muhammad Lutfi, Advisor of Jokowi’s Success team to a dialogue focused on trade and investment policy. The event was held at the Mandarin Oriental Jakarta on 12 March. The British Chamber of Commerce invited Muhammad Lutfi, Advisor of Jokowi’s Success team to a dialogue focused on trade and investment

The St Patrick’s Society Jakarta held their first Guinness Annual Charity Dinner
The St Patrick’s Society Jakarta held their first Guinness Annual Charity Dinner on 15 March 2019 which saw 200 people attending from various multinational companies, embassies, Irish and other expatriates as well many residents of Jakarta. The evening featured Irish music and plenty of dancing. The St Patrick’s Society Jakarta held their first Guinness Annual