Starbucks 6th Global Month of Service (GMoS)

Starbucks Indonesia in collaboration with Prestasi Junior Indonesia (PJI), held the 6th Starbucks Global Month of Service (GMoS) on April 28th. The programme aimed to improve the well-being of surrounding communities by helping the youth to connect with meaningful economic or education opportunities. Global Month of Service is an annual initiative when Starbucks invites partners

NOW! Jakarta

My Experience with Party Animal

One Friday night when I was 15 years old I persuaded my folks to let me go to my first party at a friend’s house. I promised on pain of death I would catch the last bus home at 10.30, but of course by that time I was hopelessly drunk after two glasses of cider

Meet Maya Ambarsari, The Lady Behind Elliottii Residence

Confident but humble, firm but easygoing; those are the most suitable words to describe Maya Miranda Ambarsari, President Director of Elliottii Residence. Maya’s reputation as a female entrepreneur precedes her as she has been featured in the glossy pages of numerous high-end magazines and even appeared on their front covers. Among other business players in

The Living Wall: An Initiative for Underprivileged Children in Jakarta

“What would you do if you had one more day to live?” This is the question being posed to young adults through a Rachel House initiative called “The Living Wall”. Rachel House provides home based palliative care for underpriveliged children in Jakarta living with advanced stage illnesses like cancer and HIV / Aids (see "Focus on

Bali Beach Clean Up 2016

Known as one of the main tourist destinations in Indonesia, Bali has more than four million citizens. As the number of residents and visiting tourists grow Bali, the amount of rubbish is also increasing. Since 2007, Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia (CCAI) and Quiksilver Indonesia (QS) have worked together on a programme called Bali Beach Clean Up

Focus on Rachel House

“There were about thirty beds on each side of the ward and I remember seeing all the children  screaming in pain”. That moment, walking through the paediatric ward at one of Jakarta’s public hospitals, has forever stuck with Lynna Chandra, the founder of Rachel House, the first yayasan (foundation) in Indonesia to provide palliative care for

Prioritising our Priorities

I don’t know about you but I always feel so sad to see people buying shoddy low quality goods in order to make their children happy. You see this all the time at parks and malls where screaming kids demand silly pieces of plastic which will be broken in minutes, and in the streets where

Business as Usual with BritCham’s Chairman, Adrian Short

“British businesses have been in Indonesia for more than a hundred years!” exclaims Adrian Short, the man at the helm of the British Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia, BritCham. While BritCham hasn't been around for so long, it has been supporting and helping to develop British business interests in Indonesia since its inception over ten

Now Bali