Kampung Tugu: The Identity of Keroncong

Piles of containers on every side and the roar of trailer engines that dominate the sight of Kampung Tugu today may obscure the legacy of a music genre originating from this old part of Jakarta, but never will it dim the hope of those fighting hard to keep the music playing. On the north coast

Why Jakartans is really into karaoke for Fun

So you need to let off some steam. While you’re at that, why not boost your self-confidence and make new friends? Across the world, more and more people have found a favourite pastime in karaoke – and many Indonesians have been following the trend. What makes it even better is that scientists actually approve of

Jakarta’s Best Music Schools

Music – and other hobbies for that matter – is something you must learn since early age. Photos courtesy of iStock/NOWJAKARTA While many musicians and singers claim that they are autodidacts, it is sometimes easiest to learn your trade by enrolling in a music school where skilled teachers and mentors show you how to play

Keeping Jakarta’s Vibrant Music Beat Alive

Organizing concerts and live performances of superstars that attracts thousands of fans to a sold-out venue means making serious money. However, it is not always about business. Some music promoters continue to produce great shows out of passion and pride, and to make sure that the audience goes home with a memorable experience. The Ismaya

Voices from Kupang

Indonesian latin-jazz virtuoso pianist Nita Aartsen and Singaporean music producer and composer Clement Chow will never forget the day when they first arrived at the Roslin Orphanage in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. “All the children had gathered, and they were singing to us,” Clement recalled. “I was amazed at the level of natural talent that

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