LIXIL Indonesia, a leading name in bathroom and kitchen solutions and the parent company of distinguished brands such as American Standard, GROHE, and INAX, proudly reintroduces two major initiatives designed to shape the future of architecture and design in Indonesia: the LIXIL Architectural Design Competition (LADC) and the LIXIL Day of Architecture and Design (LDAD). These initiatives aim to foster visionary and audacious ideas that challenge conventional standards within the country’s architectural sector.

Dedicated to delivering high-quality innovation, LIXIL Indonesia continues to significantly contribute to Indonesian society. Beyond its successful creative initiatives, LIXIL also plays a pivotal role in enhancing the quality of public amenities in Indonesia. A prime example is its involvement in the Plaza Senayan Sports Hub. This hub, more than just a gathering place for various sports communities, features top-tier bathroom and changing room facilities, providing a luxurious shower experience.

Amidst the rising trend of healthy living, these facilities support individuals in leading more active and health-conscious lives. With thousands of visitors each week, the Sports Hub exemplifies how well-designed public spaces can positively impact society, fostering health, collaboration, and community cohesion in Jakarta.

Arfindi Batubara, Marketing Director of LIXIL Water Technology Indonesia, remarked, “We understand that LIXIL’s vision can only be realised through the active engagement and creativity of Indonesian architects and designers. Our commitment to ‘make better homes a reality for everyone, everywhere’ is continually demonstrated through initiatives like LADC and LDAD. We hope these platforms will showcase their ability to generate visionary ideas, both locally and internationally.”

The LIXIL Architectural Design Competition (LADC), running from 27 July to 8 September 2024, serves as a platform that encourages creativity and empowers Indonesian architects and designers to innovate. In collaboration with Indonesia’s Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PUPR RI), this year’s competition centres around the theme “Adaptive Architecture,” inviting participants to reimagine Jakarta’s urban spaces in the post-capital era.

The focus is on devising sustainable architectural solutions for PUPR office buildings, particularly in the context of adapting to the relocation of the majority of PUPR staff to the new national capital. A panel of esteemed experts, including Budi Sumaatmadja of Anggara Architeam, Dicky Hendrasto of Duta Cermat Mandiri (DCM), and Sofian Sibarani of Urban+, will serve as the main jury for LADC 2024.

“LIXIL Indonesia seeks to encourage architects and designers to not only meet client needs but also consider the broader impact of their designs on the environment and society. LADC aims to embrace bold and innovative design solutions that can bring positive change to Indonesia’s architectural landscape,” Arfindi added.

Through LADC, LIXIL Indonesia also offers architects and designers opportunities to gain visibility within the industry and compete for prestigious prizes. The main prize for the Professional Category is the Snohetta Studio Exchange, designed to expose the winner to world-class architectural practices at an international firm, offer experience in global projects, and provide opportunities to build professional networks globally. Additionally, the Architectural Exploration in Japan prize for both the Professional and Student Categories aims to enrich and inspire participants’ design insights.

In addition to LADC, LIXIL Indonesia will host the LIXIL Day of Architecture and Design (LDAD) this year. First held in 2019, LDAD is a celebration of innovation within the architecture and design industries. Themed “Adaptive Architecture: Repurposing Obsolescence in Achieving Sustainability Vision,” LDAD 2024 will feature renowned speakers from Indonesia and abroad.

This includes David Gianotten, Managing Director of OMA, Olga Bolshanina, Associate Partner at Herzog & de Meuron, Dicky Hendrasto of DCM, and Budi Sumaatmadja of Anggara Architeam. These experts will encourage architects and designers to explore how adaptive architecture can address the ever-evolving needs of urban spaces, particularly in Jakarta.

During LDAD, LIXIL Indonesia will also announce the winners of this year’s LADC, with the expectation that these architects and designers will continue to explore the role of adaptive architecture in sustainable urban development, offering innovative solutions for repurposing abandoned buildings and contributing to societal well-being.

“LIXIL aspires to be a key catalyst in advancing Indonesian architecture by providing platforms that enable architects and designers to develop innovative ideas that push boundaries and challenge the status quo. Through initiatives like LADC and LDAD, LIXIL is committed not only to fostering creativity but also to creating solutions that positively impact the social and natural environments. With a passion for sustainable and inclusive architecture, LIXIL aims to continue contributing to a better future for Indonesia,” concluded Arfindi Batubara.

For more information about LIXIL, visit their website at or their Facebook page.

NOW! Jakarta

NOW! Jakarta

The article is produced by editorial team of NOW!Jakarta