In an ideal world, every company would act ethically and always consider the social and environmental impacts of their business, and adapt it through their operational practices or through specifically designed CSR activities. Most Valued Business (MVB) is an organization dedicated to encouraging businesses to adopt the concept of sustainable development to their own organizations, and help them to achieve this.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plays an important role in a company’s success. As the name implies, CSR usually focuses on non-profit initiatives that aim to “give back” and improve certain aspects of the community. One of the greatest benefits for corporations that adopt CSR is that they have a far greater capacity to leverage change than an individual. Not only that, CSR programmes will definitely help companies promote business to media, stakeholders and even the government, which is increasingly looking for responsible and sustainable companies as business partners.
This month, two MVB Members, Brother Indonesia and Panorama JTB Tours have shared with us their latest CSR programmes and initiatives.
Brother Indonesia
Founded in September 2008, Brother Indonesia is committed to putting customer satisfaction first according to its motto ‘At your Side’. Not only does Brother Indonesia consistently create unique and innovative programmes and expand its business reach to other cities across Indonesia, the company also understands the importance of preserving the environment in order to build a society which is sustainable.
Brother Indonesia creates “eco-conscious” products as its commitment to reduce negative environmental impact at all stages of the life cycles of its products. Brother also sets higher targets for rapidly reducing environmental impact at respective stages.
Brother International Corporation in the United States of America seeks to minimize environmental impact from its business operations and addressing CO2 emissions by building photovoltaic power generation systems that are located next to parking spaces. As a global company with operations in many countries and regions, the Brother Group ensures compliance with increasing environmental laws and regulations in full collaboration with its supply chain. Each member of the company aims to achieve a sustainable society with high levels of environmental awareness.
Panorama JTB Tours
Panorama JTB Tours is an integrated group of companies that deliver a rich diversity of leisure experiences through its three lines of business: tourism, transportation and hospitality. With more than 60 companies and over 40 brands in its portfolio, the company pays serious attention to its philanthropic, ethical and legal responsibilities in order to contribute resources to the community and improve quality of life.
Panorama JTB Group believes that good companies should have philantrophic, ethical and legal responsibility in order to contribute resources to the community and improve the quality of life. CSR activities are an important part of Panorama JTB Group and are believed to effectively balance the economic, social and environmental needs of all stakeholders as sustainable organization can only be in place if it creates and delivers the appropriate balance of economic, social and environmental business objectives to satisfy its stakeholders’ needs and expectations.
Several current CSR activities conducted regularly by Panorama JTB Group are a home stay named Mimpaku, Dental Kunren (training practice in a dental university) as well as Hiroogakuen, a high school students exchange programme.
The company also established Yayasan Panorama Anugerah (YPA) or Panorama Foundation in 2010 and initiated to work on social community projects focused on three main platform programmes: Movement (Panorama Indonesia), Sustainability (Panorama Berdaya) as well as Philanthropy (Panorama Peduli). Previously, Panorama JTB Tours and Panorama Group held a charity campaign that consisted of Christmas Carols and a Fundraising Programme for donations to Panti Werdha Wisma Mulia.
Another highlight of the company’s CSR programme is XSProject, a non-profit organization that works to improve the lives of families living in Jakarta’s “trash picker” communities. XSProject receives donations of discarded materials such as billboards, banners and automobile upholstery. From this waste, the community is able to create fun and functional products that find a new life with consumers and create social awareness about the effects of trash.
Not only does Panorama deliver used items such as used billboards, banners, fabrics, and other materials submitted from Panorama Foundation to become new and reusable goods in accordance with business needs, but the company also assists in providing training in the management of recycling of used goods to villages, organizations, cooperatives or individually assisted parties at the cost agreed upon and borne by Panorama Foundation.