On 8 May 2019, Most Valued Business (MVB) Indonesia together with the Embassy of Denmark hosted the Sustainability and Circular Economy Seminar in Raffles Jakarta.
The Seminar, themed ‘Sustainable Architecture Design, Construction and Circular Economy’ was opened by MVB Chairman, Alistair Speirs, with welcoming speech by the Danish Ambassador, HE. Mr. Rasmus Abildgaard Kristensen.
Vibeke Grupe Larsen, a Danish Architect, a specialist in Sustainable Design and Construction, was the first to present, she delivered her presentation about the effect of climate change to the world and how sustainable architecture is essential to Sustainable Development Goal no. 11 on Sustainable Cities and Communities and no. 12 on Responsible Consumption and Production.
Next speaker was John Sommer, the Director of Strategy & Business Development at MT Højgaard, one of the leading construction companies in Denmark known for being at the forefront of development of new technologies and processes. He explained about sustainable and circular construction, how it can be implemented and what are the technological and systemic challenges and opportunities.
Representing DKI Jakarta Government as speaker was Oswar Mungkasa, the Deputy Governor of Jakarta for Spatial Planning and Environment, who delivered his presentation on the issues of Jakarta and the Government, the current approaches and efforts made by the Government to overcome the issues and collaborative approach on sustainability that the government is planning to do.
And as the last main speaker, Hari Santosa Sungkari, Deputy Chairman of Infrastructure of Creative Economy Agency of Indonesia (BEKRAF), delivered his presentation about BEKRAF’s background as a creative economy agency with a plan to make creative cities in Indonesia as a form of new age circular economy. In addition to the four main speakers, the seminar also featured experts from major multinational companies elaborated on sustainability development in Indonesia. Presenting speakers included SD Darmono, President Commissionaire of PT. Jababeka Tbk, championing the development of 100 sustainable cities in Indonesia; Naomi Patadungan, Head of Property and Asset Management of JLL Indonesia, as consultant and manager of many major complexes in Indonesia; Dino Fabriant, Chairman of Aliansi Desainer Produk Industri Indonesia (ADPII), on improving industry products in Indonesia; and Florian Heinzelmann, Director of SHAU, an expert in Sustainable Architecture & Urban Design based in Bandung.
The seminar was designed to update the Indonesian construction, development, property and related industries on best practices and ideas from Denmark as a benchmark to Indonesia’s own development.
“It is no longer possible for any city, including Jakarta, to ignore the fact that they can and must implement proven practices to improve the life of their citizens. In working with Denmark, we have actual examples of best practices which Indonesia can—and should—adopt!” MVB Chairman, Alistair Speirs remarked.
Stay tuned for our next Sustainability Seminar in June/July with a different topic of sustainability. For more information please visit www.mostvaluedbusiness.com