Royal Safari Garden, one of the most popular destinations in Puncak, Bogor offers wholesome family fun during this mid-year holiday. Parents are welcomed to invite their children to learn more about flora and fauna through a highly interactive experience.

Located 77 km away from Jakarta, Royal Safari Garden easily accommodates families from in and around the city for a fun edutainment experience especially designed for kids and family.  Photo courtesy of Royal Safari Garden/NOW!JAKARTA

Why not spend the school holidays at the hotel styled to resemble a safari park concept and enjoy the benefits of its School Holiday Package from 16 to 30 June at IDR 1,222,000. The package includes breakfast, entry tickets to 11 recreation spots as well as laundry allotment.

Located 77 km away from Jakarta, Royal Safari Garden easily accommodates families from in and around the city for a fun edutainment experience especially designed for kids and family. One of the facilities to experience is the Animal Education, where one can find 450 birds across 60 species. Kids can feed the birds with food they can choose to make themselves. learn to make food for birds, feed them. Under their parents’ supervision, they can also feed other animals such as crocodiles, rabbits and horses.

At Safari Kids Camp, kids between 6 to 12 years old may experience the fun of camping and get a chance to expand their knowledge about animals. During the camp, Royal Safari Garden’s education team organize animal shows with highlights including penguin dance, stories inspired by West Javanese folklore and a bonfire gathering. Stimulate character improvement in your kids through a number of concentrated activities that will boost their physical endurance, independence, courage and discipline to face a life challenge.

The Kids Club offers a range of educational and fun activities, such as cooking classes, arts and crafts, as well as table manner sessions. Each class stimulates kids to train their motoric skills as well as improve their sense.  

Royal Safari Garden. 

Recently, Royal Safari Garden added a new recreation spot, Africa Adventure, which offers a mini African savanna section in which guests can see exotic animals like the meerkat, Patagonian mara, nyala, lama and other fauna. Further inside, a specially built dome houses beautiful peacock birds and Indonesian Julang emas (Aceros undulatus).

NOW! Jakarta

NOW! Jakarta

The article is produced by editorial team of NOW!Jakarta