Millennials have disrupted traditional avenues of making money. With a changing financial scene, however, what financial options are open to them? Permata Bank hosted a forum to help the current generation understand money and finance.
As part of National Finance Day on 30 October and National Saving Day on 31 October, Bank Permata, in support of Indonesia’s Financial Services Authority (OJK)’s ‘Financial Month’ hosted #BicaraUang CREARTORFEST X DIMENSIONAL MORPHOLOGY” at Salihara Theatre, Jakarta from 30 October to 3 November.
The event, held in collaboration with Dimensional Morphology and a number of young-talented artists, aimed to identify new perspectives through the eyes of this generation in understanding money and to share inspiring stories and artworks.
#BicaraUang (Money Talk) is the company’s campaign launched in 2017 based on its research which concluded that Indonesian’s understanding of financial matters was generally low. The bank invited people to speak about financial issues and the effects of consumerism on the young generation.
“#BicaraUang CREARTORFEST X DIMENSIONAL MORPHOLOGY” discussed issues of anxiety, facts, and dilemmas about money through illustrations, photos and videos. The works were selected from workshops and coaching sessions by mentors such as Melissa Sunjaya, Anton Ismael, Najwa Shihab, Windy Ariestanty, Kelas Pagi and Vice Indonesia (CreartorCamp).
Fadli Fitriyan’s work, entitled “Manage(d) to Survive” notes that human beings are the only species who must ‘pay to live’. “Impulse” by Borneo Verando contains messages on the importance of managing money.
In the photography section, Fahreza Aditya delivers a message through food. “We Are What We Eat” notes that eating is the simplest investment and saving activity carried out by all people with each person’s preference affecting their choices.
“The concept of this event is very different and also unique because we unite creativity and arts under one big umbrella ‘BicaraUang’. By working with well-known art activists, we hope we can provide a different experience for visitors to better understand financial inclusion,.” said Djumariah Tenteram, Retail Banking Director of Permata Bank.