The artisan tea products that combines tradition, art and technology to support a natural and healthy lifestyle.
Tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world next to water. It is heavily steeped in interesting traditions and cultures across the globe, especially Indonesia to having a cup in daily life either to warm the routines, close the day or a best companion while having traditional munchies. Tea does not only become a beverage of choice but it also becomes a way of life.
There are many studies that show how tea is good to support healthy living and may help prevent of some diseases, such as stroke and heart disease also reduces anxiety and calms us by increasing the number of inhibitory neurotransmitters. The result is a better mood, and happier, emotionally balanced you. Tea may help moderate the levels of serotonin and dopamine which are responsible for making us feel good.
Every time tea is discovered by the people of a region, it quickly wins their hearts and captures their minds. Like Indonesia that is blessed with plenty tea plantations, without much we know from these plantations produce high quality teas.
“Actually, Indonesia produces high quality teas exported to many countries. Because our best quality tea is sold in the form of commodities and used as a mixture of a product so that it doesn’t bring up the name of Indonesia and there’s no special blend that displays the typical Indonesian products,” says Lily Gunawan, Founder of Savis Tea.
The tea business is not new for Lily Gunawan’s family. It has been cultivated by his ancestors since 1951 and Lily established Savis Tea in 2014 as she tries to stay independent in tea business. And it’s more than a business but the legacy that must be maintained, in addition to support a healthy lifestyle in the modern life.
The presence of Savis Tea was driven by Lily’s desire for Indonesia’s premium tea to become a host in its own country, because so far Indonesian people have been invaded by imported tea products which are assumed to be premium tea. And, the needs of the community for quality tea products are also increasing, in line with their awareness. On the other hand, Indonesia has sufficient natural resources to produce premium tea products.
However, according to Lily, the term of premium itself must be interpreted as a quality product as a whole, for instance from the price and quality or image of the brand. As an artisan tea, Savis pays close attention to the detail of the process in each product that is created both the packaging design and the philosophy behind the products created. All the process series to bring premium products, not just one aspect, which is generally only on the packaging.
Since it was established, Savis already released around 40 variants, with most of the products featuring various types of tea, such as white tea, green tea, black tea and oolong with herbs and spices that originally from the around Indonesia’s plantations in Sumatra, West Java, Central Java, East Java, Bali, Sulawesi and Papua. And the products are successfully exported to Singapore, Japan, USA, Philippine and some Europe countries.
“The market needs to be continually educated to realise and appreciate quality products to support a healthy lifestyle. Seasonal natural ingredients require their own ability to maintain supply chain and product consistency,” Lily answered the challenge facing her company.
Savis’ signature products introduce Exotic Especia (IDR 38,500 for a pack of 10 tea bags), an exotic blend of black tea and richness of Indonesian herbs like cinnamon, cardamom, clove and ginger which is good to be consumed by heavy coffee drinkers and smokers to warm and reviving the body.
Green tea lovers can choose the Sekar Kedhaton (IDR 165,000 available in loose in 30 grams tin can) where green tea mixed with flowers and herbs that give a relaxation effect and Pandanus Green Tea (IDR 150,000 available in loose in 40 grams tin can) with good smell of pandan rich in antioxidant and can destroy the fat. Both products can be enjoyed hot and latte.
An exquisite tea blend with tropical fruit, like Mango Tea (IDR 38,500 pack of 10 tea bags) is perfect for afternoon high tea. This variant offers black tea with the fresh aroma of kwini mango.
In response the market’s demand for the products that can increase immune booster and as an anti-virus, Savis has released Tamarind Turmeric, a refreshing sour turmeric concoction typical of Indonesian drink which is usually drunk by women to reduce pain during the period.
Savis Tea products are available in Jakarta’s super stores, such as at Kem Chicks Pacific Place, Ranch Market, Farmers Market, Alun-Alun Indonesia, Sarinah, AEON Mall and Club Sehat.