Happy New Year! In this fresh beginning of 2020, let’s plan for something different and impactful! Here’s an idea: how about improving your business’ waste handling? Jakarta is still piling up 7,700 tonnes per day of its waste in the landfill and your effort to act responsibly matters.
Education – Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” To change the way people handle their waste, they need to be educated on why and how they should manage it responsibly. If you want to make a change in your companies’ waste management, share with your employees the value that you believe in and prepare a learning session for them to understand better.
Research – Before starting a change, you need to understand the existing condition of your waste handling. How much is your organic waste? How much recyclable waste generated? Who collects your waste and where do they send it to? What could you do better?
Collection – Indonesia Law 18/2008 and Government Regulation 81/2012 mentioned that waste should be sorted in several categories so that those that are valuable can be recovered. If your business is still mixing waste, then you have not complied with these regulations. If you want to make a change, this might be one area that you should put your concern on.

Recycling – If you are a business with brand-labeled products, do you know where your post-consumer brand-labeled packaging goes to? Are you sure they are not misused, imitated or forged? In the Indonesia Government Regulation 81/2012, it is stated that producers are required to take back their post-consumer packaging to be recycled. If you haven’t done this yet, then this New Year will be a good start to plan the take-back program.
If you are thinking: “There’s so much to do!” – worry not, Waste4Change is here to help.

Waste4Change provides Akademi Bijak Sampah (AKABIS) to educate and raise awareness on the importance of responsible waste management, either through a site visit to experience waste handling firsthand or through learning sessions in class.
If you want to research before making changes, Waste4Change provides Solid Waste Management Research, a study to identify your office/site’s waste generation, composition and management. Based on this research, Waste4Change will suggest potential waste reduction solutions that you might apply.
When it comes to collection, you can rely on Zero Waste to Landfill (ZWTL) service by Waste4Change. ZWTL system will segregate your waste from the source and ensures that all of the waste is managed according to its type so that none of them will be sent to landfills. They will also provide you a regular report of your waste volume, categories, level of segregation and the output of the waste processing.
Lastly, Waste4Change can also help you, brand-labeled product owner, to collect and recycle your post-consumer waste. Through Digital Extended Producer Responsibility (Digital EPR), Waste4Change provides a waste recycling system that is integrated with web and mobile applications to further increase the amount of your brand-labeled waste that is recycled.
So, wait no more – let’s collaborate with Waste4Change to make this year a year with better waste management.
5 per cent off for Waste4Change’s Responsible Waste Management (RWM) service until the end of March 2020! Send your inquiries to contact@waste4change.com, don’t forget to include “NOW Jakarta January 2020 – RWM Discount” in the email subject.