With the launch of #LIVEtoPLAY, Celebrity Fitness introduced a new campaign on November 13th that aims to revolutionize the common fitness lifestyle by enhancing the training experience with groundbreaking workout routines, and thus creating an exciting playground atmosphere.
Celebrity Fitness is establishing new classes at its venues specifically designed to optimize workout by combining functional methods with game activities.
The launch of the campaign at FX mall was enlivened by a dance parade featuring the popular zumba workout routine and a high intensity dance core motion led by dance masters Erick and Frans. Indonesian musicians like DJ Andezzz, 5 Romeo and Asti Asha provided live entertainment throughout the event.
During the launch, Celebrity Fitness, which first opened its doors in Jakarta in 2004, also offered a one-month membership called PLAY CARD in an attempt to recruit new members.
The package can also be bought through Celebrity Fitness’ website at www.celebrityfitness.co.id