2018 Resolution : What’s in Store
Time flies! To many, entering a new year means reflecting on their wishes, dreams and hopes for the future, while also looking back at the past 12 months and reassess accomplishments and failures. We spoke to a few Jakarta residents to both contemplate the past year and speak about their plans for 2018.
Awan Yulianto, 45, Digital Marketing Sony Music Indonesia
Unaccomplished 2017 resolutions?
I had planned to involve more environmental conservation programs in my traveling, but due to my limited time and high-loaded work schedule, it didn’t happen.
Bittersweet moments in 2017?
As in previous years, I spent much time traveling to some great destinations and started to write a book. My traveling activities ran very well last year, but I couldn’t finish my traveling book as planned, because of poor time management.
Hopes for the new year?
Have a more positive attitude, dare to try first and put aside any fears of failure. To get the best results, I have to do my very best and sacrifice more time to learn and work.
Milestones of Jakarta in 2017?
As we can see, the government is trying to finish the construction of mass transportation facilities like LRT, MRT and the airport train. For me, it’s a milestone for a city that has been shackled by congestion problems for years.
Simon Pitchforth, 46, Writer
Unaccomplished 2017 resolutions?
To significantly improve my Indonesia language.
Bittersweet moments in 2017?
A certain romantic dalliance that went awry.
Hopes for the new year?
An improved wardrobe.
Milestones of Jakarta in 2017?
Material progress but political regression.
Your hopes for a better Jakarta?
Jihan Soemawisastra, 36, Professional Makeup Artist,
Founder of Jihan Soemawisastra Private Makeup Class
Bittersweet moments in 2017?
I was very proud for the graduation of my students and so happy to see they’ve got good jobs. I was also thrilled when I was chosen to speak in makeup seminars here and in Korea. That aside, I’m also happy to have finished a video project. But I also felt so sad because my father was sick and had to be hospitalised for a few days.
The most powerful lessons learned in 2017?
I learned how to be more patient and sincere in everything. I have to let go of my ego. It feels very hard to forgive those who have hurt me.
Hopes for the new year?
Find my partner in life and get married soon, go umrah and hajj together with my father, improve my prayer life, hold graduation day for my students and release my makeup book as well as share my knowledge with others.
How will you achieve your goals?
In terms of work, I’m going to make good plans and strategies and execute them all quickly, also to expand good networks and maintain good relations with everyone. And I will try to use my time only for useful things.
Corry Tjong, 34. Marketing Manager of Culture Royale
Unaccomplished 2017 resolutions?
I didn’t lose weight because I couldn’t manage to work out. But fortunately, in November I joined a gym again after being absent for 3,5 years.
Bittersweet moments in 2017?
I had a long and bad cough for almost two months which forced me to visit two specialist doctors and do lung X-ray and go on seven days of therapy to recover.
Most powerful lessons learned in 2017?
How to balance my life generally as a wife, a mother and an employee. It’s quite challenging to be a working mom but I’m doing my best.
Your hopes for a better Jakarta?
No more protests each month and everyone can live side-by-side despite of their differences.
Rini Kusumawardhani, 23, Consultant at Zeno Group
Unaccomplished 2017 resolutions?
The discipline to run a healthy lifestyle. It was difficult to not munch on snacks, especially when you’re stuck in traffic or when you’re working overtime. When I arrived at home, I usually felt too tired to work out.
Most powerful lessons learned in 2017?
Never take anything for granted and don’t underestimate anything. Just keep on doing your best and not complain. Always think positively and be patient. It will pay off someday.
Hopes for the new year?
Lose weight. I also want to grow as a person and build my career and take on more responsibilities, be more independent and confident.
Milestones of Jakarta in 2017?
In the five years that I have been living in Jakarta, I have seen significant changes especially in how there are many constructions of public transportation facilities which will help people travel easily and reduce traffic jam.
Gatot Purnama, 38, IT Consultant and Contributor for VW Magazine and Webzine
Bittersweet moments in 2017?
A business partner who turned out to be a naughty competitor.
Hopes for the new year?
I hope new projects will come every month. Amen!
How will you achieve your goals?
Set my goals, measure my abilities and chase them. I have to measure my abilities so as not to chase rainbows.
Hopes for a better Jakarta?
Is there still any hope for Jakarta now? Just kidding! I hope all infrastructure projects will be realised soon.
Shaffira, 26, Researcher
Unaccomplished 2017 resolutions?
Getting fit and exercise more.
Most powerful lessons learned in 2017?
We often underestimate ourselves and our potential due to our insecurities and think we don’t deserve better when in fact, we actually deserve so much more. I’ve also learned that the world can be very evil and unjust. We need to do our part to make the world better place.
Hopes for the new year?
I hope for new developments in my career, a healthier lifestyle, and that the world becomes less crazy.
Hopes for a better Jakarta?
I hope that Jakarta will become a more humane, tolerant, and peaceful place. A city where people from all backgrounds, faiths, and ethnicities feel accepted.
Rendy Septiadi R, 25, Linguistics Consultant
Unaccomplished resolutions in 2017?
I failed to keep up with a healthier lifestyle. Due to my hectic schedule, it was hard for me to find spare time for a workout. I also failed to get a new job. I have been planning to find a new job, but due to my schedule and workload, it was not possible.
Most powerful lessons learned in 2017?
What we need is more important than what we want. This year, I learned to prioritize. I learned that we cannot have everything. Sometimes, we have to make a choice.
Hopes for the new year?
I aspire to meet the resolutions I made and failed last year.
Milestones of Jakarta in 2017?
For me, the most significant milestone was that Jakarta citizens have now become more aware of cultural differences and political issues. I believe this is important for the development of a city. With each passing day, we learn to be more involved in improving our city. We also learn to be braver in speaking out our concerns as well as more tolerant to the differences we may have.
Hopes for a better Jakarta?
Jakarta is already in the process of bettering itself — the Transjakarta system is being improved, and regulations regarding online transportation are being discussed. Also, more and more people start to pay attention to our environment. If this continues, we can really expect to see a better Jakarta soon.
Heri, 37, Fisheries Information and Traceability Coordinator at AP2HI
Bittersweet moments in 2017?
Closing down the business, the one I have built from the scratch.
Most powerful lessons learned in 2017?
Things happen for a reason. Sometimes it takes a while to understand these reasons. As time flies by, life becomes more challenging, and I’m still learning how to deal with the changes.
How will you achieve your goals?
Live my life to the fullest, enjoy every mile of the journey with my family, try my best to become better every single day, and most importantly, make peace with myself.
Hopes for a better Jakarta?
Other than finding better solutions for the traffic congestion, I think Jakarta should become a place that celebrates the diversity of its people, be more tolerant and respectful. I also think Jakarta should be more concerned about both public and green spaces in the city.