Marching For Women’s Rights

04 January 2019

More than 1000 people gathered on Saturday morning, March 4, at Sarinah Thamrin in the center of the city to join the Women’s March to the State Palace in order to demand equal rights for women and minority groups, sporting mainly pink and purple outfits and carrying signs.

The march was organized by several organizations such as the Community Legal Aid Institute (LBH Masyarakat), PeaceWomen Across the Globe, Indonesian Women’s Solidarity and Indonesian Women’s Coalition.

Following the Women’s March in Washington DC in January.

Honoring International Women’s Day, which is celebrated each year on March 8, the march is also a follow up to the Women’s March on Washington in January which – although initially a way to protest the inauguration of President Donald Trump – had quickly turned into a global movement with similar solidarity marches taking place across the globe. The Women’s March Jakarta, however, mainly called for a focus on national issues.

After arriving at the State Palace, speakers and performers took to the stage, including Siti Musdah Mulia, who reminded the crowd in her speech that the principles of Pancasila promote unity in diversity, regardless of beliefs and religion.

Women activists stated several demands to be taken to the Indonesian government: tolerance and diversity; fair laws for gender justice; end violence against women; protect female workers; issue policies that friendly towards women and minority groups, including LGBT and the disabled. 

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