The World’s Most Valued Business Indonesia (MVB) 2016 officially launches a sustainability program namely Usaha KecilKU or known as UKKU on August 8th 2016 in Jakarta.
The program is initiated by MVB Indonesia collaborating with Yayasan Biji Sesawi and fully supported by members of MVB Indonesia 2016, including Coca Cola Amatil Indonesia, IKEA Indonesia, Sarung Gajah Duduk, Telkomsel, Unibis, BAGUS Group (Bagus and Swallow), ANGGANA Group (Cap Dua Belibis and Koepoe-Koepoe), and Brother.
It is a collaborative work between MVB Indonesia and members of MVB Indonesia 2016 where a fund is given to 10 households which categorized as a household living under a poverty line, but have the power of will to change it. The supporting fund is given in a form of products so they could manage to start up a small retail business in order to be an independent household.
Together with Yayasan Biji Sesawi, one of a local foundations which reaches and provides training for the fortuneless households on daily basis, MVB Indonesia conducts a selecting process to community of fortuneless household. The process will select those with integrity and qualification to be granted the business fund provided by the members of MVB.
How does the sustainability work in this program? Since the qualified participant gets a chance to start a small retail business with products provided by the members of MVB, we are hoping that within three months the business going, they will soon earn an independent asset of their own to stock back the products in order to get the business going.
Alistair Speirs as the Chairman of MVB Indonesia explained, “The program consists of training in the first hand and continual monitoring. With these methods we believe that the small business will keep on going and have the chance to grow which eventually will gain an advantage to the family, also to the corporations who take part in the program.”
Alistair Speirs added, “Will this program run smoothly? We believe as long as the members of MVB continue on giving hands and establishing series of hard and soft skill training to the participants, constant supervision conducted by Yayasan Biji Sesawi, also with likely supports from related team involved, no obstacle is great enough to stop the program. And it is not an impossibility that this program will go on developing and will eventually help more people with the same process.”
Let us holding hands together to eradicate poverty, not in the way of direct cash-giving, but creating a chance to those with the desire and will to change their former way of living. Therefore, join us in this program and help each other.
The World’s Most Valued Brands Pte. Ltd. is a pioneer of corporate consciousness related to the continuous awareness with the application of decent working and business ethics. The corporation is based in Singapore with the desire of operation scope spreading across the world. The World’s Most Valued Business has establish seven categories which considered as the base of the selection process where every corporation must show the willingness of reaching the highest standard in certain field, including Constant Awareness, Decent Working and Business Ethics, Ethical Management, Safety and Security, Fair Customer Service, Eco Friendly and Corporate Value. The World’s Most Valued Business launched the first program in Indonesia on 2015 and in the progress of launching the similar program across Asia-Pacific by the end of 2016.